古典吧>英语词典>bring in翻译和用法

bring in

英 [brɪŋ ɪn]

美 [brɪŋ ɪn]

(政府或组织)推行,采用(新的法律或制度); 赚得,挣(钱); 引入; 请来; 邀请


  • PHRASAL VERB (政府或组织)推行,采用(新的法律或制度)
    When a government or organizationbrings ina new law or system, they introduce it.
    1. The government brought in a controversial law under which it could take any land it wanted.
  • PHRASAL VERB 赚得,挣(钱)
    Someone or something thatbrings inmoney makes it or earns it.
    1. I have three part-time jobs, which bring in about £14,000 a year.
  • PHRASAL VERB 引入;请来;邀请
    If youbring insomeone from outside a team or organization, you invite them to do a job or join in an activity or discussion.
    1. The firm decided to bring in a new management team.
  • PHRASAL VERB 作出,宣布(裁决)
    When a jury or inquestbrings ina verdict, the verdict is officially decided.
    1. The jury took 23 hours to bring in its verdict...
    2. The inquest will bring in a verdict of suicide.



  • bring in a new person or object into a familiar environment
    1. He brought in a new judge
    2. The new secretary introduced a nasty rumor
  • transmit
    1. The microphone brought in the sounds from the room next to mine
  • be sold for a certain price
    1. The painting brought $10,000
    2. The old print fetched a high price at the auction
  • submit (a verdict) to a court
    1. earn on some commercial or business transaction
      1. How much do you make a month in your new job?
      2. She earns a lot in her new job
      3. this merger brought in lots of money
      4. He clears $5,000 each month
      Synonym:gaintake inclearmakeearnrealizerealisepull in
